Terms of Use (TOU)

8/17/2015 Solistair 0 Comments

General terms of use:
- If you post any screenshots on tumblr then I'd love to get tagged to see what your characters look like!
- WCIF + credit goes back to my tumblr post of the product, not the blogspot.

My recolors:
- Do not recolor using my textures.
- Mentioned above counts any colors or textures or mine, unless it has a written approval.
- Do not repost, reupload, or claim as your own.

My meshes/mesh-edits:
- Recoloring making your own texture is perfectly fine.
- Do not include mesh in your recolor, link back to me.
- Do not steal mesh and upload/claim as your own.

If you, despite my words, export my textures and open them up in any editing program you will see a text saying what is and what is not allowed. If it says that alphas and textures are no-touchy, then please respect that. If it says that recoloring is allowed, then go ahead!